
Friday, October 10, 2014

Flexi-work a 'feasible approach' to work-life harmony

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Encouraging employers to adopt flexible work arrangements is a "more pragmatic and feasible approach" to promoting work-life harmony than reducing work hours, said Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin.

This was in response to a question raised in Parliament by NMP K Karthikeyan on whether the Ministry of Manpower would consider reducing official work hours to 40 hours per week to achieve work-life balance.

The Manpower Minister stated the Employment Act regulates that for employees earning a basic monthly salary not exceeding S$2,500 and workmen with a basic monthly salary not exceeding S$4,500, their work hours should not be more than eight hours a day, or 44 hours a week.

Those who work longer at the request of their employer will have to be paid extra for overtime work, he added.

The minister added he is "heartened" that more employers are now offering flexible work arrangements to their employees.

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