
Sunday, August 17, 2014

State of Emergency in Ferguson, Missouri after police shot unarmed teenager

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Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency Saturday and imposed a curfew in Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb, that will run till 5 a.m. Sunday.

This after police and protesters have clashed after a black teenager, 18-year-old Michael Brown, was shot to death by a white police officer a week ago.

"We must first have and maintain peace. This is a test. The eyes of the world are watching," Nixon said.

Tensions in Ferguson flared late Friday after police released the name of the officer who fatally shot Brown and documents alleging Brown robbed a store before he died.

Nixon also said the U.S. Department of Justice is beefing up its investigation of the shooting.

Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson, who is in charge of security in Ferguson, assured those in attendance that police would communicate with protesters and give them ample opportunity to observe the curfew.

"Why is the focus on security and not getting justice? Why is there not an arrest?" one women yelled.

Local officers faced strong criticism earlier in the week for their use of tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters.

The Ferguson Police Department has refused to say anything about the whereabouts of 28-year-old Darren Wilson, a six-year police veteran.

Wilson has been on paid administrative leave since the shooting.

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