
Friday, August 8, 2014

Four Singaporeans investigated by Malaysian police for Penang 'Nude Sports Games'

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Four Singaporeans are among the 18 people being investigated by Malaysian police after a video of them frolicking naked on a Penang beach went viral.

Malaysian daily newspaper The Star yesterday reported how the nudists had allegedly held a "Penang Nude Sports Games 2014" event on May 30.

They filmed themselves painting each other's bodies, dancing and rolling over one another.

According to the 5.5 minute video, the event was organised by Ms Chew Tok Hwa, a Malaysian. The footage ends with a promise to hold a similar event next year.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the authorities had no knowledge of the nudist event, adding that the state did not condone such behaviour.

The nudists are being investigated under Section 509 of Malaysia's penal code, which entails committing a gesture intended to insult the modesty of a person. The prescribed punishment is a jail term of up to five years, a fine or both, said Malaysian police.

According to lawyer Tan Hee Joek, the Malaysian authorities can request the assistance of their local counterparts here to extradite alleged Singaporean offenders who may be punishable for six months or more under Malaysian law, he said.

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