
Monday, November 10, 2014

Public expects CASE to intervene more directly when consumers are mistreated

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Mr Jover Chew, owner of the shop Mobile Air at Sim Lim Square, was in the spotlight recently after forcing Vietnamese tourist Pham Van Thoai going on his knees to beg for his money back.

Separately, the shop had refunded another customer more than S$1,000 in coins.

As a result, Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) has served the store with a letter inviting it to sign a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA).

On Thursday, a T-shirt printed with an expletive was placed outside his shop, which was closed.

Mr Chew’s particulars, which were leaked online, were also reportedly used to order three large pizzas to his home on Wednesday.

His private photos were also leaked.

Member of Parliament Vikram Nair wrote on Facebook on Saturday of his interest in looking into Singapore’s consumer protection laws.

Referring to an article by TODAY, he singled out the suggestion by a lawyer to give CASE additional powers to administer fines to errant businesses.

“Although it is highly unusual to give a consumer association such powers, I believe the public expects CASE to not only be a consumer advocate, but also to intervene more directly in cases where consumers are mistreated,” he wrote.

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