
Friday, March 2, 2012

Maid hit with ladle and cane for forgetting to list completed chores

Ang Yeng Mee, 36, had asked the maid to list the chores she had completed in the morning. However Ms Moe Moe Myint, 28, forgot to include the work she did from noon to 1pm.

For that, the housewife punished her by hitting her with a metal ladle and a wooden cane.

The next day on March 2, 2010, the police came calling at Ang's Woodlands flat after receiving an anonymous tip-off.

On Monday, Ang pleaded guilty to hitting the maid's face and head on March 1, 2010. She also admitted to slapping, punching and kicking Ms Myint and pushing her head against a wall.

The attacks started soon after the maid from Myanmar started working for Ang on Dec 24, 2009.

Asking the court to consider placing his client on probation, defence lawyer S.S. Dhillon said that his client had suffered a very traumatic childhood as she had been ill-treated by her stepfather... depression and overactivity of the thyroid gland had also contributed to the commission of the offences of maid abuse.

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