
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Possible new owner for Singapore Flyer

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It has been more than a year since the Singapore Flyer was placed under receivership. But tenants may soon have some clarity about their future - Channel NewsAsia understands that a new owner of the giant observation wheel may be announced soon.

News reports say that local tourism investor and operator Straco Corporation could acquire the Flyer soon. The company suspended trading of its shares on Wednesday (Aug 27).

Many tenants say business has been hit by flagging tourist numbers, but some are holding on to hope that the situation will improve, especially with the possibility of a new buyer coming on board.

Some, like SSP Singapore, which runs popular outlets Popeyes and O'Learys Sports Bar and Grill, have had to cut manpower and adjust their business models.

However, the doom and gloom is not universal. Some outlets say they have been unaffected by the Flyer's downturn in fortunes, while others have even seen improvements in their business, thanks to tie-ups with travel agents.

Mr Bhandari Rajender Kumar, managing director of Singapore Hospitality Group, for example, says the group's Royal Palm restaurant has seen a 30 per cent increase in business every year since it opened, due to its good relationships with travel agents.

But this may not last, as travel agents say the Flyer is facing stiff competition from newer attractions in Singapore.

More tourists are choosing to go the "free and easy" route instead of joining group tours, and showing a preference for attractions that are more centrally located and that offer a more diverse range of activities. There are also more options for those who want to view the Singapore skyline.

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