
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jack Rodwell advises young English talent NOT to sign for Manchester City

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Jack Rodwell has advised the best English kids not to sign for Manchester City.

The Sunderland midfielder says the pick of the nation’s talent should head to clubs where they will get games.

Rodwell has moved to the Stadium of Light for £10million after quitting City to reignite his stalled career.

Asked his advice to teenagers courted by City, Rodwell declared: “I would ­probably say don’t sign now, I’d say get as much football as you can.

"The first thing I’d ask is, ‘how good are you?’ You just never know – you could go there, do really well and be winning league titles and everything.

“But just because you’re English and young it doesn’t mean you’re not going to play for Manchester City.

“I would just say weigh up your options and ask yourself if you want to be playing regularly.”

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