

Thursday, October 11, 2012

PM Lee visits SAF troops on exercise in Australia

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Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visited Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) troops participating in Exercise Wallaby 2012 yesterday at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland, Australia.

The 22nd annual exercise, conducted from Sep 22 to Nov 24 2012 this year, involves more than 4300 SAF personnel and over 350 SAF platforms.

During his visit hosted by Chief of Army Major General Ravinder Singh, Mr Lee witnessed an integrated air-land live-firing exercise involving platforms such as the Leopard 2SG Main Battle Tanks, Skyblade III Mini-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, AH-64D Apache helicopters and the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV).

The Terrex ICVs are participating in Exercise Wallaby for the first time. Thereafter, Mr Lee viewed static displays of various SAF platforms, and drove the Terrex ICV.

Mr Lee also interacted with servicemen who participated in the live-firing exercise, comprising personnel from the 5th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment, 201 Squadron, and the SAF's Armour Specialist Cadet Course.

Speaking to the media after his interactions, Mr Lee said "To be able to manoeuvre, to fire, to get an experience of unfamiliar ground, I think it is something very valuable for us. Most important is that we have Full-Time National Servicemen and Operationally Ready National Servicemen who are keen, who are committed, who are doing their best and mastering their skills as well as performing their duties for Singapore."

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