
Monday, August 6, 2012

Trainee teachers who quit have to give 1 month's notice

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Starting this month, trainee teachers will be required to give one month's notice before resigning.

In lieu of notice, a trainee who decides to quit will be liable to pay back a month's salary.

Apart from giving the Ministry of Education (MOE) advance notice, the notice period will also serve as a "cooling-off period" for the trainees to carefully think over their decision, according to an email sent last Tuesday by the National Institute of Education (NIE) to inform trainees of the new requirement.

The email, which was seen by TODAY, said: "This notice period for trainees is critical as prior notice to the employer and as a cooling-off period for trainees to carefully deliberate their decision to leave the course and service with liquidated damages."

Previously, trainee teachers who decided to quit did not have to give any notice period, according to the 2011/2012 Trainee Teacher Handbook. Nevertheless, they had to pay liquidated damages, comprising the remuneration and tuition fees for their entire course.

In response to TODAY's queries, the MOE explained that the new requirement brings trainee teachers "in line with all public service officers".

School leaders whom TODAY spoke to generally agreed that having a notice period would help trainee teachers consider their career choice more carefully.

However, Teck Whye Secondary Principal Ong Kong Hong pointed out that some trainees who encounter challenges during their practicum might conclude prematurely that teaching is not for them.

The one-month notice period would allow them to enjoy a fuller teaching experience, resulting in a possible change of heart, he said.

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