
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The wacky side of London Olympics 2012

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Ripped bodies toned and tanned from years and years of training — they are taller, stronger, more muscular, and far more athletic than any normal person.

Olympian athletes are admired by millions around the world each time they step out on the international stage to fight for a chance to bring their country glory. Like Greek gods, they become symbols of the nations they represent.

But they have their moments too — take a break from all that nerve-wrecking concentration this London Olympics 2012 and have a laugh over the funniest faces and weirdest body parts to ever make an appearance at the Games!

Best "Alien" body parts
Fabio “Waterwings” Scozzoli (Getty Images)Fabio “Waterwings” Scozzoli (Getty Images)

Italian Fabio "Waterwings" Scozzoli

The 23-year-old's fully flexed underarm muscles drew shocked gasps from onlookers as he prepared himself for the men's 100m breaststroke at the Olympics Aquatic Centre on Sunday.

Christened "waterwings" by Olympic pundits, the impressive extra muscles unfortunately did not help Scozzoli win the world championships — he finished seventh out of eight in the breaststroke final.

China's swimmers may be accused of suspiciously being able to cut through water like they had fins , but we bet they never thought of actually growing a pair.

Germany’s Robert “Treetrunks” Forstemann (AP Images)Germany’s Robert “Treetrunks” Forstemann (AP Images)

Germany's Robert "Treetrunks" Forstemann (centre)

The pro-cyclist's formidable thighs burst into the spotlight after a fellow cyclist tweeted a picture of Forstemann and fellow German Andre Greipel comparing their bottom halves.

The tweet, posted by New Zealand cyclist Greg Henderson, read "You thought Greipel has a big set of legs. There was a quad off in the German camp today. Greipel lost."

It was accompanied by a photo of Forstemann's huge muscled thighs strobed with thick veins dwarfing the still-large but suddenly underwhelming thighs of Greipel.

Unfortunately for fans of those tree-trunks, Forstemann was left off the Olympic Team this time around so there won't be a chance to catch them in action on the track.

Seen Lee of Australia (AP Images)Seen Lee of Australia (AP Images)

And last but not least, Seen Lee of Australia proves that it takes a strong woman to go au naturel on the world stage during the 63-kg weightlifting competition.

Best "Faces"
Serbian volleyball player Ivana Djerisilo (AP Images)Serbian volleyball player Ivana Djerisilo (AP Images)

Serbian volleyball player Ivana Djerisilo gave millions of rapt onlookers a taste of how much anticipation precedes the perfect serve. Either that, or she was nursing an itch up her nose at the worst time possible.

Australian waterpolo player Gemma Beadsworth (AP Images) Australian waterpolo player Gemma Beadsworth (AP Images) 

The first phrase that comes to mind at this photo of Gemma Beadsworth? It must be something in the water. The Australian water polo player looks like she's sneering at an offensive object that turns out to be a ball upon closer inspection.

Either that, or the pool maintenance officials may have been too enthusiastic with the chlorine.

Italian waterpolo player Elisa Casanova (AP Images) Italian waterpolo player Elisa Casanova (AP Images) 

Water polo Grand Dame Elisa Casanova lets out a bellow loud enough to scare the stoutest hearts, and appears to succeed in her aim in scaring off the unfortunate player tailing her, if her terrified expression and pale countenance is anything to go by.

Chinese divers Chen Ruolin and Wang Hao (Getty Images) Chinese divers Chen Ruolin and Wang Hao (Getty Images) 

Chinese divers Chen Ruolin and Wang Hao demonstrated exactly how gravity-defying their flips were — hair parted at angles unimaginable but Wang was still somehow able to roll her eyes and do her version of "Walk like an Egyptian" — all while still in the air.

Micronesian weightlifter Manuel Minginfel (AP Images)Micronesian weightlifter Manuel Minginfel (AP Images)

We've saved the best for last in Micronesian Manuel Minginfel. That furrowed brow, those popping veins, his clenched teeth and scrunched up nose — all point to an endless reservoir of determination and focus — it's no wonder that they call him the strongest man in the Pacific, pound for pound.

The four-time Olympian, who is currently sitting at third place in his category, also demonstrated a sense of humour. When asked what he felt about his performance, he replied.

"I expected to do better but the weights were too heavy," said Minginfel, after lifting 285 kg — below what he has done in practice.

We hope you're tickled !

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