
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Serial rapist attacks 22 women in 14 months

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Using drugs to render his victims helpless, Azuar Ahamad, 41, allegedly took advantage of 22 women he met through a Facebook application called SpeedDate.

He would contact his victims, aged between 18 to 41, using the dating app, bring them to a nightspot, drug them and then proceed to sexually assault, rape or molest them before sending them home.

Azuar would even film himself sexually assaulting some of the women on his two cellphones.

The victims would have no recollection of the sexual assault after they woke up. If they called him, he would tell them they had drunk too much and passed out.

However some of the women, suspicious of his claims, reported him to the police.

Yesterday, the logistics executive pleaded guilty to raping three women and sexually assaulting a fourth between July 2008 and August 2009.

He also faces 30 other charges of rape, sexual assault, outrage of modesty and theft.

The prosecution is pushing for a jail sentence of 45 years.

The court heard that Azuar was first arrested in February 2009 for allegedly drugging a woman at a cafe. However, he was released on bail.

He went on to outrage a woman's modesty in July 2009, and again in August.

For each count of rape, Azuar faces a jail term of up to 20 years, a fine or caning.

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