
Sunday, August 5, 2012

NTUC wants more workplace support for breastfeeding mums

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The labour movement's U Family unit has called on more employers to support back-to-work breastfeeding mothers through providing flexible lactation breaks, and for office building owners to provide functional nursing and family corners.

According to a U Family Survey on Breastfeeding conducted in April of 1,318 married women, 98 per cent were aware of the health benefits to mothers and babies if babies are breastfed for a minimum of six months.

Yet, 30 per cent of mothers said they weaned off breastfeeding before their babies turned six months old when they returned to work.

Close to 50 per cent who did not breastfeed, or planned not to breastfeed for at least six months, felt that there was a lack of support at the workplace - such as lactation breaks and functional lactation corners. Half said employer support at the workplace was "most important" for them to continue breastfeeding after returning to work.

Some challenges cited included inconvenience, a non-conducive office environment, disruption to work, lack of time to express milk during office hours and lack of support from employers and co-workers.

Based on the survey findings, U Family urged employers and managers to work out a flexible arrangement with breastfeeding mothers, so that they can take 20 to 30 minutes - beyond their regular meal breaks - to prepare and express their breast milk.

The union also pointed that there is no requirement for building owners to provide family or nursing corners in office buildings, including those in the Central Business District. It is not uncommon for nursing mothers to pump their breast milk in toilets and utility rooms.

The union called on owners of office buildings and public areas with a considerable workforce size and financial resources, to consider building baby-friendly infrastructure -- like a safe, clean and private area equipped with storage facilities for mothers.

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