
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why can't we protect our own Singapore?

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Do we still need a Gurkha contingent?
I am saddened by yet another incident involving members of the Gurkha police. In 2008, some off-duty Gurkhas got into a scuffle at their barracks over their salary.

This year, another off-duty group got into a brawl at Clarke Quay. One of them was jailed for nine months. And recently, there was a two-hour manhunt for an ex-Gurkha officer who went AWOL.

Admittedly, Gurkhas are known for their bravery and loyalty, so well recorded in battles. But times have changed. With life getting better, their youths may not be as well disciplined and dedicated as their forefathers.

The authorities should re-examine the need to continue employing them.

Gurkhas are irreplaceable
I refer to Mr Thomas Lee's letter "Do we still need a Gurkha contingent?" (July 23), in which he pointed out some acts of misconduct by individual Gurkha junior officers and concluded that having a Gurkha contingent was unnecessary.

Based on this logic, we should also disband the Police Force and Civil Service, due to the misconduct of a few of their staff.

Mr Lee is correct in observing that times have changed, and our youths are softer than our forefathers.

What better model for our Army or Police officers than our own Gurkha contingent, whose level of training and fitness is second to none here?

Why can't we protect our own Singapore?
I refer to Mr Peter Kuan's letter "Gurkhas are irreplaceable" (July 27). The point in contention revolves around national honour.

We have been told time and again that we must depend only on ourselves to defend our country.

Mr Kuan's axiom that the Gurkhas are irreplaceable connotes that only they can do the job of protecting us and our installations.

The Gurkhas' reputation is not contested. What is contested is the inference that a foreign mercenary is better than our own.

Gurkhas are replaceable
I am appalled by Mr Peter Kuan's unwavering support for the Gurkha contingent in his letter "Gurkhas are irreplaceable" (July 27).

Notwithstanding their professionalism and track record in maintaining order here, they are mercenaries whose loyalties are not with Singapore.

As we celebrate our 47th National Day next week - as well as the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of National Service and the 70th anniversary of the Fall of Singapore this year - let us remind ourselves that only Singaporeans must defend our nation.

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