
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IDA encourages employers to adopt flexi-work arrangements

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is inviting industry players to conduct pilots in the areas of home-based work and setting up of smart work centres.

It aims to encourage employers to adopt flexible working arrangements through the use of infocomm technology.

The move is a follow-up to one of the key recommendations by the Tripartite Workgroup on ICT-enabled home-based jobs to set up a dedicated workspace at home to ensure that home-based employees have a professional work environment to be productive.

An alternative option is to enable employees to work at smart work centres to provide for a professional work environment near homes if a dedicated workspace is not available or viable at home.

IDA hopes that this call-for-collaboration will heighten awareness and acceptance amongst employers in bringing work closer to homes and the community.

According to statistics, there are more than 258,000 economically inactive residents in the prime working age of 25 to 54.

Seven in 10 cited family commitments as the main reason for not working.

IDA said flexi-work arrangements could increase employment opportunities for those seeking to join the workforce.

For example, the reduction in commuting time to and from the office can contribute towards better work-life harmony, and improve employees' level of engagement and focus on work and productivity.

For employers, flexi-work arrangements can contribute to better staff attraction and retention as well as improved productivity and enhanced access to a larger manpower pool that includes economically inactive persons.

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