
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Shophouses in Serangoon Garden can no longer be for food joints: URA

It is Friday night and Serangoon Garden is a motorist's nightmare. A never-ending stream of cars head for the popular enclave of eating joints and watering holes. Drivers honk and patience thins as they jostle for limited carpark spaces.

The compact centre of the middle-class housing estate is packed with 18 restaurants, coffee shops and a fast-food outlet, as well as the popular Chomp Chomp and Serangoon Garden hawker centres. On a busy night, car valet Adi, 45, parks up to 20 cars of patrons of Pow Sing chicken rice eatery. 'Weekends are the worst,' he says.

Resident S.L. Chan, a businesswoman in her 40s, says she avoids driving near the roundabout during dinner time at the weekend. 'The congestion is already bad. Impatient drivers and illegally parked cars make it worse,' she said.

Acting on residents' complaints, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) imposed a ban last month: No more Serangoon Garden shophouses can be turned into food joints.

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