
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Suspended SCDF and CNB heads both linked to woman IT exec

SCDF and CNB heads suspended; both linked to woman IT exec

On Jan 5, anti-corruption investigators under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) swooped in unannounced on the Ubi Avenue 4 office of Mr Peter Lim, then Commissioner of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

A short time later, the engineering graduate – who was promoted to SCDF chief in 2009 – was taken to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB). His men were later told he was on leave. Indefinitely.

He wasn’t the only senior officer under MHA to be hauled in.

Earlier, Mr Ng Boon Gay, director of the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB), had been picked up in the same investigation in late December.

Click here for the MHA statement on the investigation.

Click here for the MHA statement on leadership changes at SCDF and CNB.

Separate CPIB investigations for SCDF and CNB chiefs on bail
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) chief Peter Lim Sin Pang and Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) director Ng Boon Gay were arrested on Jan 4 and Dec 19 respectively, by officers from the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

The bureau said both men were arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA) but were released on bail and are now assisting the CPIB in what are 'separate investigations'.

The CPIB did not elaborate on the details of their probe, a spokesman said: 'Given the nature of our work and as our investigations under the PCA are still ongoing, the CPIB is unable to provide further details.'

'Singapore adopts a zero tolerance approach to corruption,' said the spokesman. 'The CPIB will investigate any allegations of corruption without fear or favour and will not hesitate to bring those who have breached our tough anti-corruption laws to task.'

The Home Affairs Ministry said on Tuesday that both men have been removed from their posts.

Both men, former government scholarship recipients with more than 40 years in the uniformed services altogether, were put on leave from the start of investigations.

The probe began late last month for Mr Ng, 44, and earlier this month for Mr Lim, 51. Both are suspended from their duties from Wednesday pending disciplinary proceedings.

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