
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Poll Suggests Users Don’t Want Facebook Timeline

Timeline is Facebook’s way of jamming all your stuff into a kind of chronological feed. It replaces your profile and dumps all your photos, videos and posts into an info-stream organized according to the timeframe you originally uploaded or created them.

That also means it’ll surface past status updates and photographs, making them easier for others to find and view. It hasn’t been fully rolled out yet, but will be soon, and participating isn’t optional — Facebook’s making it mandatory, as in “there’s no opt-out checkbox.”

Researcher Sophos asked Facebook members what they thought of Facebook Timeline, to which 8% responded that they liked it and another 8% said they’d “get used to it” — call that 16% in favor. The remainder? Fifty-one percent found Facebook Timeline worrisome, while the remaining 32% said they weren’t sure why they still used the social networking service.

That’s 83% with a negative take.

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