
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Officers assaulted while making arrest, service revolver drawn

Disturbing cell phone shows a crowd in North Philadelphia turning on two Temple police officers.

One officer was so concerned for his life and the life of his partner, he pulled out his gun.

The incident started when a Temple bike officer bumped into a man on the street at 16th and Montgomery on Wednesday afternoon.

It was all downhill from there as the brief encounter quickly turned into a full fledged brawl after the two temple police officers tried to make an arrest.

While one officer was talking to one of the young men, another man came over and punched him in the face.

The officers were pushed out into the street and then went to the ground as one officer finally pulled his gun.

Fraternal Order of Police President John McNesby saw the video. He says this is what police officers in Philadelphia have to deal with everyday.

Temple police charged one of the subjects with aggravated assault and other crimes. Investigators hope to identify the second man in the attack.

The officers are fine, with no major injuries.

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