
Friday, November 26, 2010

Police arrest teen for inciting violence online

SINGAPORE - Police have arrested a 15-year-old male youth for inciting violence using the Internet following the Downtown East slashing three weeks ago which resulted in the death of polytechnic student Darren Ng Wei Jie.

According to a police statement, the arrest was made on Monday. It added that investigations revealed that, on the afternoon of Nov 4, the suspect had posted comments on YouTube claiming that he was associated with a gang. He also challenged other online users to a fight by stating a specific date, time and location.

The police said the suspect has since been released on bail and is being investigated for an offence of making a statement "conducing to public mischief via electronic means" under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code Cap 224.

Under the law, anyone who puts out a statement, rumour or report in written, electronic or other media that could cause fear or alarm to the public and induce a person to commit an offence against public tranquillity can face a jail term that may extend to three years and/or a fine.

Police warn that those who post such irresponsible remarks and claim association with gangs will be taken to task.

He added: "Those who think they can hide behind the anonymity of the Internet should think twice and be warned that statements which are deemed to cause fear or incite violence are against the law."


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