
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Murphy's Law

I don't know where else to pour out my feelings. Definitely not here, but I guess the picture above sums it up in a way.

Of late, things that could go wrong have gone wrong. I have no mood for anything right now. It's still the Muslim holy month of Syawal when we celebrate Eid, but I'm in no mood to party. For me, my Eid is over. It went only as high as gear 2 before it rattle and died with a purr.

I forced myself to get off my butt and go for a run earlier today, as I usually do every other day, afterwhich I'd planned to make myself some instant ramen for a late lunch (since I'm trying to hold on tight to all the money I have right now), but I screwed that up too. Had to throw it all down the trash.

I just want to dig a hole in the ground and hide my head right now, like an ostrich.

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