
Sunday, November 16, 2014

SIA passenger charged S$1,520 for in-flight Wi-Fi

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A Singapore Airlines (SIA) passenger was charged about S$1,520 for using the Internet during his flight from London to Singapore on Thursday (Nov 12).

Mr Jeremy Gutsche, CEO of online magazine Trendhunter.com, posted his bill on Twitter the next day, complaining about being “gouged” by the airline.

He had subscribed for the 30mb Internet OnAir package at US$28.99 (S$37.63), but was charged an additional US$1142.47 (S$1,483.06) for overuse.

He also wrote an article on his website about the incident. Mr Gutsche claimed to have made only 155 page views, made some emails, and uploaded a 4mb powerpoint document during his entire flight.

He wrote: “I had an otherwise enjoyable flight, but the sticker shock of being gouged US$1,200 made me feel like I was deplaning from Total Bastard Airlines, that old skit from SNL where they kick you off the plane with a ‘Buy BYE!’

“I wish I could blame an addiction to NetFlix or some intellectual documentary that made me US$1200 smarter. However, the Singapore Airlines Internet was painfully slow, so videos would be impossible and that means I didn’t get any smarter… except about how to charge a lot of money for stuff. I did learn that.”

An SIA spokesperson told TODAY: “Mr Gutsche has contacted us with his feedback and we are following up directly with him on the matter.”

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