
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Police issue festive season advisory

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Police issued a crime prevention advisory on Wednesday (Nov 12) for the upcoming festive season.


In light of the busy shopping season, police remind the public to be wary of suspicious people following them, and to avoid exposing cash, valuables, or jewellery in public areas. Bags should be properly secured at all times police said.

Retailers are also reminded to remain vigilant against shop thieves by keeping expensive merchandise in locked display cabinets and by installing CCTVs with recording systems.


Police advise members of the public to stay vigilant against those who may take the opportunity to commit outage of modesty with the following measures:

  • Be wary of strangers who approach you in crowded areas
  • Stay close to friends or move around in groups in crowded places
  • Be aware and alert of your surroundings. If someone stands exceptionally close to you, or if you suspect that you are being followed, remain calm and proceed to a crowded area or call the Police for assistance
  • Avoid taking short-cuts through dark and deserted places. Keep to well-lit areas where there are more people and traffic
  • Where possible, do not nap whilst travelling on public transport
  • When returning home late at night, get someone to escort you home


With festive gatherings and celebrations, police have advised homeowners to:

  • Ensure main doors and windows are properly secured with strong grilles and good quality locks
  • Not leave large amounts of cash at home
  • Consider installing a burglar alarm system

If going away on vacation, police advise:

  • Entrusting family members or neighbours to conduct regular visits on your home while you are away
  • Making arrangements to suspend newspaper subscriptions as uncollected newspapers are a sign that a house is not occupied
  • Informing your Neighbourhood Police Centre of your absence


Police also reminded members of the public that the use of sparklers should be done in a responsible manner. Anyone caught setting off improvised explosive devices made from sparklers may be prosecuted, they added.

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