
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Shenzhen learns from Singapore; wages war

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... against bad social habits that is.

First, he heard a throat-clearing sound. Seconds later, a disgusting glob of saliva landed on the forearm of cabby Xiao Hongbing, 42, as he was driving through a Shenzhen highway toll booth.

The offending spit came from a passing truck driver, said Mr Xiao, looking bemused as he recounted the incident earlier this year.

"I couldn't believe my bad luck," the central Hubei native, "But it shows you how widespread the spitting problem is in China."

So it's no surprise that Mr Xiao is not harbouring high hopes of Shenzhen succeeding in eradicating bad social habits through new legislation that will be the first of its kind in China.

Other residents feel likewise, even though the proposed "Shenzhen Civilised Behaviour Promotion Regulations" are within - pardon the pun - spitting distance of being passed.

Chinese media reports said the Shenzhen legislature is reviewing the proposed regulations and may enact them later this month.

Inspired by Singapore's success, Shenzhen announced in late June that it was mulling over new regulations to put an end to socially undesirable acts such as spitting, littering and vandalism. Those found guilty face penalties from fines to reduced credit ratings and even lower chances of landing a government job.

Those unable or unwilling to pay the fines may opt to perform community service - much like Singapore's Corrective Work Order scheme for litterbugs.

The Shenzhen authorities have held three public consultations and made tweaks following a public outcry over hefty fine amounts.

For instance, an offence punishable with a 500,000 yuan (S$97,000) fine - for causing damage to "precious old trees" - was dropped.

The maximum fine now is 10,000 yuan for those who damage public toilets, or occupy them as illegal squatters.

Minor offences like spitting and littering incur a 200 yuan fine, which can be paid on the spot. Those who commit three or more offences in a year will be fined an extra 1,000 yuan.

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