
Monday, October 8, 2012

NTUC fires Assistant Director for racist comments

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REF: Pay for a real wedding, maybe then the divorce rate won't be so high! - Amy Cheong

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has sacked an assistant director from its membership division after she posted offensive comments on her personal Facebook account.

In a statement sent to the media, its secretary-general Lim Swee Say said the trade organisation has "terminated with immediate effect the services of Ms Amy Cheong, Assistant Director, Membership department after establishing with her that she did post offensive comments... on 7 October 2012".

"Regrettably and rightly so, her comments have upset members of the public, including many union members. We are sorry that this has happened. We have counselled the staff and impressed upon her the seriousness of her action. She is remorseful and has apologised for her grave lapse of judgement," he added.

He also reiterated in his statement that the NTUC "takes a serious view on racial harmony in Singapore", adding that it "will not accept and have zero tolerance towards any words used or actions taken by (its) staff that are racially offensive".

Earlier, Cheong made multiple apologies after her profanity-laced post slamming Malay void deck weddings on her Facebook account went viral on Monday morning, sparking a furious backlash on social media.

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