
Saturday, October 6, 2012

More needy students to benefit from ITE's financial assistance scheme

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The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) has said that more students on financial assistance are completing their studies.

Among students who are on the ITE Monthly Financial Assistance Scheme, 97 per cent stayed in school in 2011, up from 95 per cent in the previous year.

The scheme, which gives out an allowance of S$150 each month, requires those on the scheme to attend classes regularly.

An additional 530 needy students will benefit from the scheme over the next three years, thanks to a grant from the S R Nathan Education Upliftment Fund.

The S$820,000 grant will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Ministry of Education.

Currently, 54 per cent of ITE students come from families with a per capita income of only S$500 or less per month.

Most qualify for government financial assistance which covers their education fees, but the monthly allowance will help offset their daily expenses.

Daryl Tan Jin Jian, a recipient under the ITE Monthly Financial Assistance Scheme, said: "I am very grateful...because currently, only my mum is working... This fund can help lighten my mum's burden so I can concentrate on my studies."

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