
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gold 90.5FM wants your old shoes to aid kids with life-threatening illnesses

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Instead of chucking your unused shoes, now you can donate them for a good cause. MediaCorp radio station, Gold 90.5FM, will be embarking on an initiative called "Solely Yours" to collect shoes that are no longer in use.

The shoes collected will aid fund raising efforts of Arc Children's Centre to support children who are battling life-threatening illnesses in the areas of education and safety.

"When we see the joy on the children's faces at finding a pair of shoes that fits, it was quite a sight. It is with this memory that we jumped at the chance to partner MediaCorp Radio in this meaningful project. We are sure this project will light up more faces in need of a good pair of shoes," said Ms Geraldine Lee, Centre Manager for Arc Children's Centre.

"Most of us own more shoes than we really need, and sometimes even forget that they exist! This is a truly worthy cause for us here at Gold 90.5FM. And for our listeners, it is a great opportunity to free up their shoe cabinets for the next sale," said Ms Margaret Mary Lim, Assistant Programme Director for Gold 90.5FM, MediaCorp.

Collection of shoes will be held from now until Oct 22. The collection box will be placed at Changi City Point for the public to drop off their unused shoes.

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