
Monday, October 15, 2012

5 secrets couples in love will never tell each other

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5 secret's SHE will never tell you

1) Secret she'll never tell you: Money matters

Okay, we didn't miss the memo and yes we do know that it's the 21st century, but according to studies women do like men who have money. One study found that 64 per cent of women would still prefer their men to earn more than them. A study from the British Journal of Psychology confirms that women are attracted to men who drive expensive cars.

If you're thinking that your girl doesn't want a man with money and that she's happy earning all the cash whilst you sit on the couch catching up with trash TV, think again; she'll never tell you that she wants you to be rich because it's bad taste, so you'll never know the truth.

2) Secret she'll never tell you: She was flirting

Flirting is something we all do, but your girlfriend seems to flirt with everyone and anything. So, what should you do? Confront her and kick up a fuss? Chances are, she'll just say she was being friendly. Although seeing your girl flirt with other men is wounding, scientists say that women flirt to get what they want in life and you could benefit from their fluttering eyes as well.

Researchers from the University of California and the London School of Economics conducted studies into female charm and found that flirting makes men feel good so that women can get what they want. The study suggests women who flirt get around 20 per cent off of the original price of the car they were buying.

3) Secret she'll never tell you: She wants a white wedding

When you were dating, you both shared the same common fear of big, overindulgent, frivolous white weddings. Yet, since you've popped the question your girl seems to have changed. All she can think about is walking down that aisle and rather than the quirky, mellow wedding you both discussed in your dating days, you're getting a princess-themed ceremony at a big, expensive country club.

Even if your girl thinks she doesn't want a big, white wedding, secretly, under all of her indie, cool charm, she does. It's as if the white dress and bank-breaking décor is hardwired into every girl's brains and it's practically going against nature to ask for a low-key do.

4) Secret she'll never tell you: Sex is important

Do you constantly feel like you have to beg for sex? Do you find yourself doing chores just to get her into bed? You are not alone my friend. Researchers found that men who did chores around the house got 50 per cent more sex than those who didn't. Could it be that because women have less desire to have sex than us guys that they are using sex as a reward for chores?

Maybe, but gentlemen, a study undertaken by Kinsey Institution found that women felt being sexually satisfied was a priority when it came to being happy in a long-term relationship. So, putting these two studies together means that women do care about sex and that maybe they're just telling us they don't need it so that we do the dishes; just putting it out there.

5) Secret she'll never tell you: That she doesn't orgasm

It's been drummed into girls that telling you she doesn't orgasm when you have sex with her will shatter you. Yet 16 per cent of women are thought to never achieve orgasms, whilst 26 per cent of women reported faking an orgasm during sex in a study of 50,000 women from the US, Australia and the UK.

Yet, in the midst of wild, hot sex how can you tell that she's faking it? Well, like us, when women come they are pretty uninhibited and just go with it. If you look at your girl and she seems pretty controlled then she might be faking. If you think she might be faking, ask her what she'd like you to do to her in bed and ask her for a little guidance. 
5 secret's HE will never tell you

1) Secret he’ll never tell you: Did he love you back then?

Although most chick flicks depict all guys as being hopeless commitment-phobes, in reality it would seem that a lot of men actually announce those three killer words prematurely. Did your man tell you he loved you too soon? If he did, it may not have been because he instantly fell in love with your pretty smile and sharp wit; he may just have said those three little words to get laid.

A study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that men tended to say they loved girls because they thought it would increase their chances of having sex with them. If you are now beginning to doubt your guy’s intentions, don’t bother asking him for the truth unless you have a lie detector machine to hand – he won’t tell you the true reason why he declared his love to you and never will.

2) Secret he’ll never tell you: Why he called you by his ex’s name

When your boyfriend accidentally calls you by his ex’s name it can feel as if your whole world is crumbling around you. Do you act casual and just shrug it off, or is there a more sinister truth behind his slip up?

Well, if you take note of a study that found that a quarter of all British men want to get back with their first love then you might want to raise a few issues with your guy. However, even if you did confront him would he tell you the truth? It would seem not, as the study also found that a whopping one in six men are still secretly in touch with their ex.

3) Secret he’ll never tell you: That he’s depressed

More than five million men in the US are thought to have depression, yet the figure may be higher because many guys don’t talk about their feelings. Studies have found that guys are much less likely to admit to feeling depressed than women. Although studies have not concluded why this is, it may be because some men want to live up to a macho stereotype, whilst others are unsure who to turn to for help.

To help your boyfriend, be aware of the signs that indicate your man is depressed. He may be unusually tired, have lost his sex drive or have new health problems like backache, constipation, diarrhoea or headaches. There are lots of other symptoms too, but these are some common signs to look for and be aware of.

4) Secret he’ll never tell you: His long-term plan

So, on a Sunday morning you and your man talk about your future. You talk about getting married, the amount of kids you’ll have and where you’ll both settle down. Although you think this is a two-way conversation and that you are both being honest and frank with one another, be warned, things may not be as they seem.

Men will often go along with this fairytale-like game, but their actual long-term plan is very different. If you think your guy might just be placating you, ask them concrete questions, like ‘At what age do you want kids?’ and, ‘If we moved to the suburbs, how would I get to work?’. Although he may not have the answers to these questions (because, in reality, who does?!) his reaction may become defensive and angry. That’s a sign he’s keeping his long-term plan a secret.

5) Secret he’ll never tell you: He wants a hug

We all had our suspicions, but now the truth is out; men love to hug. A study undertaken by the Kinsey Institute found that, for men, hugging and kissing were very important to their overall happiness in a relationship. Yet, for women, the study found sexual satisfaction was more important to their happiness within a long-term relationship.

So, the next time you see your man, give him a big squeeze because the chances are, he’s desperate for a cuddle but won’t ever ask for one.

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