
Friday, May 11, 2012

Where are the friendly Singaporeans I knew?

Letter from Brian Nelson

HAVING visited Singapore, one of our favourite destinations, many times in the past 25 years, my wife and I were shocked at the deterioration in attitudes towards tourists. The signs were already there on our last visit four years ago.

The first thing we noticed as elderly people, particularly when using the Mass Rapid Transit, was that the youth have no respect for the elderly and the seats reserved for them and pregnant or handicapped people.

It is also dangerous getting on and off the train when one is shoved out of the way time and again.

Another observation is that nobody smiles or returns a greeting any more. Taxi drivers, particularly, used to be a wealth of information and eager to point out areas of interest but are now, mostly a surly lot.

Service has also deteriorated in shops and restaurants, where many of the staff can hardly speak English, are rude and abrupt. As for the words "please" and "thank you", they do not exist.

It will not be long before it becomes just a rat race, like in many other cities. Has progress taken away Singapore's soul, the essence of being human, of recognising one another?

Your city is beautiful, your buildings tall and proud, yet to walk along the streets and see the surliness of a face is disheartening.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC120511-0000072/Where-are-the-friendly-Singaporeans-I-knew
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