
Friday, May 18, 2012

S'porean to hang for drug trafficking in Malaysia

Three Mexican brothers, along with a Malaysian and a Singaporean were convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to hang by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Thursday.

Malaysian Lee Boon Siah, 47, and Singaporean Lim Hung Wang, 55 were arrested at a factory in southern Malaysia in 2008, with police seizing almost 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of methamphetamine and chemicals used to produce the drug.

Drug trafficking carries a mandatory death penalty in Muslim-majority Malaysia, though executions are not publicly announced and activists say few people are thought to have been hanged in recent years.

The five men's lawyers said they would appeal the verdict, which can take years to go through the Court of Appeal and if necessary the Federal Court.

The three brothers, who come from Mexico's northern Sinaloa state, are believed to be the first Mexicans sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Malaysia.

Hundreds of Malaysians and foreigners - including many from Iran - are on death row in Malaysia, mostly for drug trafficking.

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