
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Video: Driver crashes into student, panicked, steps on accelerator

A woman who hit a student with her car panicked and instead of stopping to help, accelerated and pinned the victim in-between two vehicles.

The driver, whom Korean web portal Korea Bang reported as middle-aged, was driving onto the field of a high school campus. She can be heard having a conversation with a second person.

While they chat, a student holding an umbrella crosses the road in front of the car. The high-school student does not see the car as the umbrella seems to block it from view.

As the car inches closer to the girl both women start to scream incoherently. Instead of stepping on the brake, the video shows the car speeding up slightly as it hits the student and then a SUV in front of her.

The women continue screaming as the student is pinned between the two vehicles.

The girl can be seen flailing her right arm from behind her umbrella as a second student appears at the right side of the video frame.

Clad in a dark coloured cardigan, the second student hits on the hood of the women's car also screaming. At this point in time, the driver and passenger of the silver SUV get out of the car.

It seems that they did not know a girl was crushed in between the two vehicles. Once they realised what had happened, they immediately jump back in the SUV.

Koreabang.com reported that the girl is now in critical condition as her internal organs have been damaged.

The entire incident was caught on the in-car camera belonging to the woman driver. The video was uploaded onto YouTube on April 22.

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