
Monday, May 14, 2012

Court awards $1 million to woman hit by bus

She was hit by a bus and became mentally-impaired.

For that, the High Court increased the amount of damages awarded to Madam Tan Juay Mui, 54, to $1 million.

Madam Tan, then 48, was knocked down by a private bus at a pedestrian crossing in Yishun on June 15, 2006, reported The Straits Times.

She suffered head and leg injuries, among others, and had to have her leg amputated below the knee to save her life.

As a result of her brain injury, she became intellectually impaired, suffered permanent depression and became unable to relate to others. She also contracted diabetes.

Lawyers say the rare move by the High Court shows it recognises exceptional accident cases and will order adequate compensation.

One significant point is the judge's ruling that Madam Tan can return for more compensation within the next five years if her diabetes leads to other complications.

Medical expert Lee Chung Horn listed blindness, kidney failure, gangrene and coronary heart disease as some of the conditions Madam Tan might suffer in the future.

Madam Tan is currently under the full-time care of a maid and spends her days in a day-care centre. She has a husband, Chew Chwee Kim, who manages her affairs and was the one who sued on her behalf.

The bus-driver, Sher Kuan Hock, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined $2,800 and disqualified from driving for one year.

SOURCE: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Singapore/Story/A1Story20120514-345814.html
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