
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Airport police and security gets Segways, electric vehicles

Police and other security officers at Changi Airport have started zipping around on Segways and electric vehicles instead of conducting patrols on foot.

This allows them to respond faster to incidents, said the police and Certis Cisco which have both started using the vehicles within the airport's transit areas.

Certis, which handles a variety of security duties, including baggage screening, started using Segways last November, a spokesman told The Straits Times.

'An officer on a vehicle zooming around the airport definitely commands greater authority and has more presence compared with one who is on foot,' said Mr Louis Tan, 39, a real estate agent.

The firm now has six of the two-wheelers deployed across all three main terminals and intends to get another six, she said. Each machine costs about $13,000.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_796884.html
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