
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

50 new signboards for traffic updates now up - LTA

Motorists now have fifty new electonic signboards that provide them with real-time information on traffic conditions.

The Straits Times reported that the devices, that were turned on yesterday, use simple graphics such as a car lying on its side in a red triangle to indicate an accident.

The new signboards, known as Emas Arterial Variable Message Signs, can be found at Woodlands Road, Serangoon Road, Thomson Road, Portsdown Avenue, Orchard Road and Nicoll Highway.

26 others were turned on last May at Woodlands Road, Jalan Anak Bukit, Bukit Timah Road, Dunearn Road and the West Coast Highway.

The new devices have more advanced displays that use simple graphics in up to seven colours to help motorists make more informed decisions, reported The Straits Times.

Also, the new signboards are installed at least 120m before the entrance to slip roads leading to major roads.

The Land Transport Authority said that this extends the sign network's coverage and allows the operations control centre to manage traffic problems more effectively.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story/A1Story20120508-344662.html
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