
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Singapore needs 20,000 and 25,000 new citizens each year

Singapore needs to continue attracting immigrants to slow down the decline and ageing of its citizen population, according to a paper released by the National Population and Talent Division.

It says that if the country's Total Fertility Rate remains the same, Singapore will need an immigration inflow of between 20,000 and 25,000 new citizens each year to keep the citizen population size stable.

This year has been described as a "demographic turning point", when the first cohort of post-war Baby Boomers born between 1947 and 1965 start turning 65 years of age.

Without immigration, the paper says citizen deaths will exceed births in 13 years.

By 2025, the citizen workforce will also start to shrink with fewer working-age citizens supporting each elderly citizen.

The paper says immigration will help to slow down the decline in the pool of working-age citizens and slow down the rate of ageing among the population.

The public consultation for this is expected to start in the middle of the year.

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