
Friday, March 16, 2012

Majority of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike

A majority of Israel's security cabinet now supports an attack on Iran in a bid to end its nuclear programme, an Israeli newspaper reported on Thursday, citing political sources it did not identify.

Writing in the Maariv daily, influential columnist Ben Caspit said most of the 14-member security cabinet was now leaning in favour of a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, a move which he said was supported by both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

'According to the most recent assessments, at this point eight ministers tend to support Netanyahu and Barak's position, while six object to it,' Mr Caspit wrote.

'It should be noted that the security cabinet has yet to hold a decisive meeting on the issue and the assessments are based on secret talks being held between the prime minister and his ministers, one at a time.'

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