
Thursday, March 22, 2012

AMK Hub kidnap warnings - police urge public not to circulate unsubstantiated info which may cause unnecessary alarm

Woman says son was nearly kidnapped at Ang Mo Kio Hub
The police are investigating a possible kidnap attempt that is said to have happened at Ang Mo Kio Hub on Sunday.

A woman who goes by the name of Allison Goon on Facebook had approached the mall's security officers after her son was led away by another woman at the suburban mall. The police were later notified.

Ms Goon had brought her son to a magic show at the basement atrium of the mall on Sunday afternoon. At about 1.15pm, she walked to a dustbin nearby to dispose of some trash, her son, she thought, was following behind. But when she turned around, she saw that he had walked away with another woman who was holding his hand.

She then called out to her son and confronted the woman, who claimed she had mistakenly led the boy away thinking he was her own son. Later, Ms Goon's son said the mysterious woman had told him she would bring him back to his home.

Boy lured away by woman at AMK hub raises concerns among netizens
The police are investigating a case in which a child was apparently lured away by a woman at Ang Mo Kio Hub.

According to the police, the child was in the company of a stranger on March 18 at about 1.15pm when the child was left unattended for a short while by his mother.

The incident came went viral when the child's mother wrote about the incident on Facebook. It was then circulated and shared multiple times online.

The post read: "I asked my son why you followed the lady when you don't know her at all, he reply me saying: jeh jeh (sister in Mandarin) say you follow me and I will bring you home."

A netizen, Kiasu Mummy, who came across the post then wrote into Stomp to voice her concerns.

The netizen said that parents should be more vigilant and speak up when ever they encountered such a situation.

The age of the boy involved in the Ang Mo Kio incident is unknown but according to a Stomp report, he could be as young as two years old.

Earlier this week, Stomp also reported another incident of a young boy who was also led away by a Chinese woman. This time, the child got lucky an got away from the alleged abuductor after struggling.

The contributor, Concerned Mother, of the March 20 report wonders if the posts of this kid is real, and questions the security in Singapore.

She said: "Kidnapping children cases in Singapore real? Are they true? Is Singapore really not safe anymore?"

"Many mothers have voiced their concerns over such issues as some have commented that this is not the first incident that has happened in Singapore.

"The main issue at hand here is that the mummy victims have not made any report, or immediately called upon assistance from the mall security or from the public," Concerned Mother added.

She also hopes relevant authorities will clarify on the issue.

Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio GRC Seng Han Thong spoke to reporters from Shin Min Daily News while visiting Ang Mo Kio Hub on Wednesday night and pointed out that the incident occurred on the last day of the school holidays, where a lot of parents are out with their children.

"This incident reminds us to always watch over the safety of our children, especially in crowded areas. Even with security cameras and guards present, parents must still remain vigilant and ensure their child is accompanied and safe," said Mr Seng.

Mr Seng was visiting the shopping mall with the police, AMK Hub's management team and members from the residents' committee.

He pointed out that police and the mall's management team will be watching closely to follow up on this matter.

In a statement today, the police urged the public not to circulate unsubstantiated information which may cause unnecessary alarm.

The police also advised parents to accompany their children at all times.

Members of the public should report any suspicious activity or anyone behaving suspiciously by calling 999 immediately.

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