
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

13 year old girl arrested for Criminal Breach of Trust

Police would like to remind members of public to remain vigilant and watch out for suspicious signs when someone approaches to seek assistance to use their mobile phones.

It is advisable not to let the phone leave your sight and you should assist the person to call using your phone should it be a genuine case of somebody needing help.

If still in doubt, you should call the Police for assistance immediately.

In a recent case, Police have arrested a 13-year-old girl for Criminal Breach of Trust. She had borrowed a mobile phone from a stranger claiming that her own phone was not working.

The mobile phone was returned to the owner after some calls were made.

Unknown to the victim, the suspect had already chalked up S$600 worth of online credits using victim’s mobile phone line. These charges would be tagged to the mobile line and billed to the subscriber.

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