
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thailand and Cambodia's Battle for an Ancient Temple

By the time the armies of Thailand and Cambodia end their battle for Preah Vihear, an 11th-century temple on the border between the two countries, there may be nothing left to fight over.


On Feb. 7, for the fourth day running, fighting broke out at the disputed site, causing extensive damage. At least five people, including two Thai soldiers and villagers have been killed.

On the Thai side, 34 are injured, including 10 Thai soldiers. Thai homes and schools have also been burned to the ground. Cambodia claims the damage was caused by Thai shells. The Thais counter that Cambodia shot first.

"We have to defend ourselves," said Panitan Wattanayagorn, a Thai government spokesman.

This is the latest volley in a long-standing dispute between these southeast Asian neighbors.

Both sides have asked the United Nations Security Council to step in.


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