
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tag your friend on Facebook Places

You can now share your location on Facebook and tag friends who are at the same location.

The feature, dubbed Places, was launched today for Singapore-based users of the social networking website. Mobile phone users can access Places via Facebook's mobile website (http://touch.facebook.com). It is also available through Facebook's mobile applications for smartphone platforms like the BlackBerry, Apple's iOS (iPhone or iPod touch) or Android-based devices.
Places allows sophisticated smartphones that are enabled with GPS to list nearby locations where a user can "check-in", using Facebook's mobile application - similar to online location-based services like Foursquare or Gowalla.

Users can also locate where the rest of their friends are, if they have checked-in, and toggle privacy settings so they can choose whether to allow their friends to tag them at a location.

Retailers can also offer discounts or rewards to users that have checked-in at specific locations.


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