
Saturday, February 12, 2011

SCDF Announcement: Islandwide sounding of the Public Warning System

THE Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will be sounding the 'Important Message' signal through the islandwide network of Public Warning System (PWS) sirens on Tuesday, Feb 15.

The public should not be alarmed by the minute-long sounding exercise, which is in support of Total Defence Day.


When the signal is sounded, the public can immediately tune in to any local radio station to lsiten to a special info-merical broadcast.

The sounding is part of SCDF's continuous efforts to familiarise the public with the three PWS signals and to raise awareness on how to react upon hearing each signal.

The 'Important Message' signal is characterised by pulsating blasts, and the other two signals - the 'Alarm' and the 'All Clear' - are characterised by wailing and continuous blasts respectively.

For more information on PWS signals and emergency procedures, visit www.scdf.gov.sg.


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