
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Positive response to 'transfer unused talktime' movement

ALL content used in this not-for-profit blog remain the property of their respective owners.

We thank Mr Foo Hee Liat ("StarHub project puts unused talktime to good use"; Forum Online, Monday) for his commendation of StarHub's 4G4Good movement.

The principle behind this movement is as Mr Foo stated: Give unused talktime, data and SMSes to those who really need them but are unable to afford them.

There are five beneficiaries under this project: Asian Women's Welfare Association, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore, Industrial & Services Co-Operative Society, Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped and SPD (formerly Society for the Physically Disabled).

They were selected as their clients and caregivers have a greater need for mobile communication to stay in touch with their loved ones, potential employers and medical support.

The response has been very positive and we encourage even more StarHub Mobile post-paid customers to join the 4G4Good movement. They simply have to SMS "Opt-in" to 6904 by the end of this month.

With their support, we hope to provide talktime, mobile data and SMSes to 500 mobile users from the beneficiaries for a year.

It is thanks to thoughtful customers like Mr Foo that this initiative has become a success.

Chan Kin Hung
Senior Vice-President, Mobility

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