
Friday, August 15, 2014

New facility to provide soldiers better training experience in urban warfare

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Soldiers of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) will be able to hone their skills in urban warfare — storm a building, fire live ammunition at close quarters and throw multiple grenades — on a larger scale than before at a new facility designed to simulate realistic conditions for urban fighting.

The Murai Urban Live Firing Facility (MULFAC) comprises five buildings for soldiers to move around in a full-scale urban assault operation.

Located at Lim Chu Kang, it allows for up to one company, or about 100 soldiers, to practise seizing buildings with the support of armoured vehicles. In contrast, urban live firing in the past was conducted with one section — which comprises seven men — within one building.

The facility is also wired with cameras to record operations so soldiers can review their performance.

The new facility will also house a sixth building, the Hand Grenade House, which will be completed in December, adding to the existing live grenade training site in Pulau Tekong. Unlike the latter, soldiers will be allowed to throw more than one grenade at the Murai facility.

With the MULFAC’s opening and the launch of the Multi-Mission Range Complex last year, the SAF will be able to conduct 50 to 60 per cent more live firing exercises, chief infantry officer Brigadier-General Chiang Hock Woon told reporters.

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