

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cyclists being fined in Bedok recently, a breath of fresh air

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The report on several cyclists being fined by police for riding in Bedok Town Centre ("11 fined for riding illegally in town centre"; last Saturday) was like a breath of fresh air.

Many Forum letters have touched on irresponsible and dangerous cycling behaviour in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, but nothing discernible seems to have been done, both in terms of education and prosecution.

Riding at pavements fronting shops, void decks, town centres and bus stops must not be allowed as these areas are meant for pedestrians.

At best, riding on road pavements can be permitted, given the absence of bicycle lanes and the danger of riding on roads.

However, as such pavements are narrow, there ought to be some rules of engagement if they are to be shared by pedestrians and cyclists. Otherwise, cyclists will use them irresponsibly, posing great danger to pedestrians, especially the elderly, who lack agility and quick reflexes.

Last week, I was almost hit by a bicycle while walking on a pavement. The cyclist had a pillion rider and could hardly control his bicycle, given the extra weight and the high speed he was riding at.

I commented on his dangerous cycling and he had the audacity to show me an obscene gesture.

The Bedok Town Centre incident should be adopted as a national model, if the problem of irresponsible and dangerous cycling is to be eradicated.

The problem is becoming endemic, and there is an urgent need for a national education programme on safe and responsible cycling behaviour, coupled with deterrent penalties for offenders.

Pedestrians deserve protection and peace of mind.

Lawrence Loh Kiah Muan

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