
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Guy buys coffee and flower for fighting couple

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Mr Adrian Chua was grabbing a bite at a fast food restaurant on Tuesday when he noticed a black-faced couple locked in a cold war.

Instead of minding his own business like a typical Singaporean would, the 41-year-old performed an unusually sweet gesture to get the pair to patch up.

He bought a cup of coffee and handed it to the man, and gave the woman a stalk of rose.

Explains the interactive and digital media lecturer from Nanyang Polytechnic: "I said, 'I notice you guys had a bad argument, being silent and all. So here's a gift from a total stranger who has faith that you guys will work it out.'"

The incident took place at McDonald's at Choa Chu Kang, at about 7.30am.

Mr Chua, who is divorced with one daughter, says the gesture was motivated by the desire to give the couple a catalyst to make up after their fight. "They just needed something in common," he adds. "They were a bit surprised, but I saw them talking after I walked away."

The act of kindness was his way of paying it forward, after being on the receiving end many years ago.

"I was studying in Australia and had forgotten to bring my wallet. I was stuck at a bus stop with no bus fare.

"A woman noticed, came up to me and gave me $10, telling me to buy something for myself to eat," he recounts.

"She really taught me an important lesson - that strangers would like to help if given the chance. Hopefully my gesture will trigger them (the couple) to do something nice for someone else in future, give them some faith in humanity.

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