
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Barber stabs customer in testicles

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A barber, who apparently has a bit of a standing beef with one of his salon's customers, stabbed that customer in the testicles with a pair of scissors last Thursday in the Central District, according to the Seattle Police Department.

According to the police report for the incident, the victim was getting his hair cut around 4 p.m. at a salon in the 400 block of 12th Avenue when one of the salon's other barbers started to joke around with him.

He later told officers he knows this barber from around the neighborhood, and they are not friends. Furthermore, he said the barber has assaulted him in the past, but he never reported it.

The victim finished getting his hair cut and asked the barber to stop joking with him. In response, the barber threatened to kill, punch and stab the victim, according to the report.

According to the report, the barber grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed the victim in the gut, though the scissors didn't make it past the victim's jacket.

The barber stabbed the victim a second time -- in the crotch this time -- ripping the victim's pants and making contact with his testicles, according to the report.

The victim left the salon and went to his car. But, the barber reportedly followed him and punched him in the face.

The victim was finally able to drive off and call 911.

The salon was already closed when officers arrived, so they were unable to speak with the barber. And, the victim was left with a sore lip and groin.

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