
Monday, October 14, 2013

Saving a worker's mangled arm

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Wearing surgical gowns and masks for the first time, four officers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force's Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (Dart) performed an operation in a hospital.

Using spanners and wrenches, they removed a meat grinder from the left arm of 27-year-old Chinese national Sun Xiao Bo.

The factory worker had his arm trapped in the machine in a Woodlands factory on Thursday morning.

He was rushed to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and then to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, where the Dart contingent of Warrant Officer (WO) 2 Ahmad Faizal, WO 1 Jaais, WO2 Md Affino and Sergeant (Sgt) Md Aashiq got down to work.

WO1 Jaais supported Mr Sun’s upper arm, while Sgt Md Aashiq held the grinder in place. The other two men worked on removing the grinder’s plate.

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