
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Seattle drivers among worst in America

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Seattle drivers are bad.

That’s according to Allstate Insurance’s annual ranking of America’s best drivers.

Seattle ranks 160th on this year’s list. Allstate says the average Seattle driver will be in an auto collision once every 7.8 years. That’s 28.8 percent more likely than the national average, based on Seattle's population size.

Not surprisingly, cities with lower populations tended to do better in the rankings. Fort Collins, Colo., tops the list for the best drivers followed by Boise, Idaho and Sioux Falls, SD.

Washington DC ranks at the bottom, with the average driver in a collision once every 4.8 years.

Here are the top 10 and notable Northwest cities. The number in parentheses is their population rank in the survey.

1. Fort Collins, Colo. (161) - 13.9 years between accidents
2. Boise, Idaho (101) – 13.9 years between accidents
3. Sioux Falls, SD (148) – 12.8 years between accidents
4. Brownsville, Texas (131) – 12.7 years between accidents
5. Madison, Wis. (83) – 12.5 years between accidents
6. Reno, Nev. (90) – 12.5 years between accidents
7. Huntsville, Ala. (127) - 12.5 years between accidents
8. Visalia, Calif. (193) – 12.3 years between accidents
9. Montgomery, Ala. (107) – 11.9 years between accidents
10. Eugene, Ore. (153) – 11.9 years between accidents
45. Spokane (105) – 10.3 years between accidents
77. Salem, Ore. (154) – 9.7 years between accidents
82. Vancouver (145) – 9.5 years between accidents
144. Tacoma (110) – 8.1 years between accidents
154. Portland (27) – 7.9 years between accidents
160. Seattle (22) – 7.8 years between accidents

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