

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Seatless MRT cabins not a fine ride

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Letter by David Kwok Ng Kan

The SMRT seems to be increasing the number of seatless cabins in its trains on the East-West Line.

Some commuters are forced to stand for the entire journey, which can take about an hour. This will inconvenience the elderly and the infirm. SMRT should remember that the number of senior citizens in Singapore is rising.

It is hard to understand the rationale for the increase in seatless cabins.

SMRT should not try to squeeze as many passengers as it can into its trains during peak hours. Instead, it should look into the comfort of commuters.

Increasing the number of seatless cabins does not free up much space but merely adds to the discomfort of commuters.

I urge SMRT to restore all seats to its trains; commuters are paying for these seats.

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