
Monday, October 8, 2012

Still on Amy Cheong - Police report filed, NTUC puts up job ad

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REF: Pay for a real wedding, maybe then the divorce rate won't be so high! - Amy Cheong
NTUC fires Assistant Director for racist comments


DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam weighed in on the Amy Cheong issue, saying on his Facebook page that it is "Good that NTUC acted quickly" on the matter.

"The person's comments were offensive not only to Malay-Muslims, but all the rest of us who value Singapore's multiracial spirit and who want to take it further," he added.

Singapore police are investigating the former NTUC staff who was fired on Monday morning for her profanity-laced post insulting traditional Malay void deck weddings.
A police report was filed against Amy Cheong, former assistant director, membership department at labour movement NTUC, by a member of the public, Lionel Jerome de Souza on Monday morning.

De Souza is the secretary of Hougang's Inter-Racial and Confidence Circle (IRCC), which comes under the purview of the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports. In his report, he urged the police to take a serious view of Cheong's comments which "inevitably hurt the feelings of the Malays".

In July this year, the police arrested two youths for allegedly posting racist remarks online. They had allegedly made derogatory comments aimed at a minority race here.

Regarding the arrest, the police had said: "that the posts could "promote ill-will and hostility between different races in Singapore".

It had also said then that anyone who re-posts or makes offensive comments on the racist posts, and is found to have committed an offence, "will be dealt with in accordance with the law".

Here is her apology in full:

To all I've hurt and offended:

I am terribly sorry to all who were affected emotionally, mentally and in all other aspects. I am aware of the pain I've caused through my insensitive remarks on social media. Please see me as a person offering my most sincere apology.

There was no racism intended in my post. I was trying to rest and the noise was affecting me greatly however I do understand that this is not a valid reason to post what I did. I was wrong and am repentant.

As soon as I realised how it has affected Singaporeans, I promptly took down my post and issued my apology. I apologised through FaceBook, Twitter and WhatsApp, hoping that you could see my immediate genuine regret.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my mistake.

Yours in repentance,

Amy Cheong
Meanwhile Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan Jin has also weighed in on the issue. In a post on his Facebook page, he said traditional Malay void deck weddings are as much a part of the Singapore landscape as "burning of offerings, void deck funerals... and increased parking during Friday prayers or Sunday morning worship."

He reminded all Singaporeans to "give and take" and to be proud of the diversity and "colourful tapestry" that makes up Singapore.
In an advertisement in an online job portal, NTUC is currently looking for a new Assistant Director (Service Quality), Membership.

According to the ad, the position requires the person to "delight members, using all available Service Quality touchpoints – including (but not limited) to the Call Centre, Emails, Counters (physical and virtual), Social media".

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