
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Singaporeans, let's "put a bao in your oven" this National Day

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Getting into the groove for National Day, a candy maker has come up with a video to spur Singaporeans to do their "national duty" — to make babies.

Titled "Mentos National Night", the three-minute long song is filled with subtly raunchy lyrics ("Like a government scholar, I wanna cram real hard and tap you all night like an EZ-link card") to encourage Singaporeans to "make babies… and make Singapore's birthrate spike".

"This August 9, Mentos calls on Singaporeans to show their love for their country by celebrating not just National Day, but National Night — a window of time in which to give the country the population spurt it so desperately needs," wrote Mentos Singapore on its Youtube page.

Last year, Singapore recorded 39,654 births — prompting Minister Mentor Lee to comment that "at the current low birth rates, Singapore's economy will slow down like the Japanese economy."

At press time, the video has garnered over 9,700 views with more than 200 'likes'.

Watch the video here or download the song at www.nationalnight.sg and let us know what you think!

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